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March 15 - April 15: The beginning of the fishing season
April 15 - June 15: Fishing season is closed - fishing strictly forbidden
June 15 - August 15: Fishing Season
August 15 - November 1: The beginning of the fishing season


Species Description Period
The Pike
(Esox lucius)
The pike has a rapid growth, reaching 15 mm in only three weeks and its sexual maturity at the age of 3 years, when it weighs about 700-800 grams, and it can reach a weight of 20 kilos. The largest pike caught in the Danube Delta weighed 16 kilos.
Season: beginning of July up to December. The optimal period for pike is October.
The Carp
(Cyprinus carpio)
It is a large fish that can reach a weight of 40 kilos. Season: July – September. September is considered to be the best month for carp fishing.
The Catfish (Sheatfish)
(Silurus glanis)
The cat fish is the largest fish in the fresh waters of Romania, the record in Danube Delta is of 400 kilos. From June and all the way to September you get the best results
The Zander
(Stizostedion lucioperca)
The largest zander fished in the Delta weighed 15 kilos. The minimal dimension of a caught zander is of 40 cm. During the whole fishing period, especially during autumn.
The Perch
(Perca fluviatilis)

It usually reaches the weight of 500 grams and the minimal dimension of a caught perch is of 12 cm. The perch is successfully fished all through the year excepting prohibition, and the most favourable periods as for any predator, the months of autumn. It is very active during winter, too.

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Bird type Description Period
The White Pelican
(Pelecanus onocrotalus)

In Danube Delta exists the biggest pelican colony in Europe. The pelican is a protected specie and is Danube’s Delta symbol.
The pelican is a summer guest, from April to October and lives in big
Small Aigrette
(E. garzetta)
Lives in Danube Delta in puddles with rich vegetation. It nests in low osiers, and rarely in rattan. It feeds on different aquatic animals. It's a bird of passage, nature monument. In Romania it is a summer guest, from April to October, some specimens
may stay over the winter.
The Cormorant
(Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis)
In Danube Delta live 2 cormorant species: big cormorant and small cormorant. They eat huge quantities of fish and sometimes they hunt along pelicans.
From April to October, though some stay even over the winter.
Glossy Ibis
(Plegadis falcinellus)
Danube Delta is the place in Europe to see this species in numbers. From April to September
Little Bittern
(Ixobrychus minutes)
They have a rather secretive lifestyle and do not breed in noisy mixed heronries. From April to October



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